Phone : (+263) 772 402 7745 - (+263) 0771 125 4296


Discover Our Services

Living Falls BioPower (Pvt) Ltd is specialized in the construction and operation of biogas digester networks and other renewable energy sources throughout the country. The company has developed such operations for many organizations and individuals throughout the country. These projects have made LivingFalls BioPower (Pvt) Limited team acquire practical experience in the Construction of Biogas Digesters, Biogas designed septic tanks and management of waste in general.

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We build tailor made biogas digesters to fit your purpose for energy...


Originally sewage sludge is a good agricultural fertilizer...


Energy is the backbone of every functional economy. in contrast with solar pv or wind power


Biogas Application

Biogas Septic Tanks : Life made easy with our household digesters designed to act as your septic tank for your house, flats anywhere where there is no sewage network. No need to build a conventional septic tank.

Chicken Farms : Your chicken litter has the potential to produce energy and make your farm self reliant 100% on site where the energy is needed for BROODER heating replacing charcoal, coal, electricity and LPG.

Pig & Dairy Farms :Sanitation solution for your pig and dairy farm waste. To take away smells, no need to dig lagoons, Turn all dung and cow dung into biogas for heating in the pig brooder, refrigeration and to generate your own electricity

Abattoir Waste : Avoid environmental pollution by using our waste water treatment system. Reduce COD,BOD&SS at your facility by having a complete abattoir waste treatment solution and produce your own renewable energy for heating and refrigeration.

Hotels, Restaurants and food canteens : We have a solution for your energy needs and organic left over waste disposal. Turn all your food waste and organic waste onsite and produce your own cooking and heating gas to replace the expensive LPG charcoal and electricity

By Products from biogas production

Dry organic fertilizer for own use or for sale

Liquid fertilizer of own use or for sale

Compatible with farmers who also practice fish culture as the biogas effluent is directly used to fertilize fish ponds

Biodegradable garbage is fed into digester and no need for collecting away

Treated waste water is reused in garden, watering lawns and horticulture as nutrient rich (NPK) organic fertilizer.

Advantages of Biogas Digesters

Eco-friendly clean source of energy.

Does not fill up and will not require honey sucker to disludge and does not require lots of space to build.

The digester is a full factory and energy guaranteed every day, the owner has full management control

Can be adapted at any situation in rural areas, urban , low &high density areas, schools, offices etc.

Treats all household organic waste thereby reducing the need for waste collection by municipality.

Biogas is compatible with any gas appliances.-all gas appliances use biogas.

Produces electricity by replacing diesel and petrol for running a generator.

Money back guarantee from CARBON CREDITS sales (On average $0.02/kg on a minimum quantity of 1 ton ).

Safer than LPG– cannot explode